- Dongguan in the spotlight: hi-tech comeback for 'factory of the world'?
- Interesting statistics of the 8.4 million population that shrinks 70% for this week's New Year
- Why Dongguan will remain the world’s factory, and probably the most competitive one
- Still a competitive location
- Woman Accompanies Purse Through X-Ray Machine at Dongguan Train Station
- Unless you've been through a China train station, you can't probably understand how this would happen. But what I remember (it's been a few years now), were these big box x-ray machines with a ramp up, in and out. Sometimes a guard would motion me to put my suitcase in. You weren't even sure anyone was monitoring. I imagine it's stricter now, but I doubt if there are too many guards. So she just probably decided to crawl through to assure it made it through okay. Wow!