Newlyweds and A Bus
Riding the roads around here is always an interesting experience. Everyday there are unique sights. And the drive is more than a little exciting. They say the Chinese will be flocking to Disneyland Hong Kong now for the rides, but I don’t think they will be very impressed after the thrills they get daily riding on the highways here.Today, we saw something on the way to work that I hadn’t seen before on the roads here. It
The other day was something I’ve seen far too often, that I would rather not see on the roads. It was a vehicle running a red light. Now you would not believe how common that can be here. Rarely is the time that a vehicle doesn’t pass through on a red cycle. Motorcycles seem to never stop. I have one driver that goes through at least two on every trip. And that’s with only about four lights on the route to and from home. I hate to admit it, but I’ve gotten used to it.
But this one was a little frightening. It was a large city bus passing right through a red light!! I mean a very large city bus. Folks were scattering in the crosswalk to not get run over, as the bus driver just blasted his loud horn. We were stopped with traffic at the light waiting for green. Here comes the bus rounding us on our left, right in the incoming lanes, just passing all the stopped cars and blasting its way across the intersection. And then it wheeled all the way across three lanes of traffic to the bus stop ahead. Wouldn’t you want to jump on that bus with that driver at the wheel!!