Monday, September 24, 2007

Three Very Interesting Reports

I have to get most of my news over the internet. Today I’ve been intrigued by three very interesting reports about China that I just have to recommend for all to read:

Click on any of the articles mentioned above (in purple) to go to the posting. And then be sure to use your back arrow on your browser to come back to ABrysoninChina for more news and information.

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Another New Building

Back just in time for another building dedication. And it wasn’t even the building I thought it would be. I guess that means we will have another dedication again soon. But this was a new company building. Well, ground for a new building anyway. And so off to the dedication on Wednesday.

Unbelievable how things grow here. This was my third dedication ceremony in a little over two years of working here. That seems to be typical in this fast paced society. We are growing fast. But that is the norm in this country. Business is up everywhere. So we add new buildings. We also hired over 400 employees last month alone. And folks are still lined up daily for more jobs.

I’m even getting pretty familiar with the dedication ceremony. They tend to be similar: A few speeches. A couple of company Directors turn some dirt. Ceremonial (fake) money is burned. Everyone sticks a few pieces of incense in the urns. A barbecued pig is blessed and the pork is passed amongst the guests. Major strands of fireworks are set off in each corner of the site. And of course, there is some champagne and fruit juice. There was even a little seasonal lychee to go around this time.

The building will be a little of a walk from our current site. It’s a couple of blocks away. It will primarily house warehouse and wood drying activities, but may also include upholstery operations. We can use a bigger facility for that.

But with over a million square feet of space, a new building blocks away is really going to make tours difficult. I already do 3-4 tours a week for guests from all over the world. Just on Thursday, I had two tours alone. It takes over two fast paced hours to do a simple tour. This is really going to be tough now. But that’s progress! And nice to be a small part of progress like this, for a change.

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