Friday, August 24, 2007

A Big Challenge

Yes, China has a lot to learn and improve. The news seems to relish the bash China reports lately. There also seems to be a lot of fodder for it, toys, tires, food.

At least a few positive reports are getting through. The other day ABC had a nice report about a teddy bear vendor that goes through extensive efforts to assure good products. My company does what it can for assuring high quality, safe products too. But this is a big, poor country. One has to realize how big this place is to imagine the challenge. The US is not perfect, and went through similar growing pains in past centuries. China is just catching up and has a lot to improve.

Just remember too, that Japan was one considered to be a major producer of cheap products. It reversed that paradigm to be considered the world’s foremost producer of quality products. China is similarly challenged now. Will it embrace and do the right things. Only time will tell.

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