Thursday, May 19, 2005

Rain.... and more rain

Rain…. Wow, is it ever raining! The boom of thunder shook me out of my bed this morning at 5:30. Since, it has continued to rain off and on.

I even had to get a special passage through the plant from lunch, so that I did not have to walk through a downpour. The passage was through a tunnel under the waterfall into the back of the plant (they think of everything). Then with a little maneuvering from level to level, I was able to pass through about three buildings, up stairs, across causeways, and back down to my new office. The factory is spread across about six buildings, usually connected in some fashion, but split by a drive. All told, it is about 800,000 square feet, and they are adding a new addition of six floors of 60K each. That will make over a million square feet. Pretty big!