Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ah.. for a New Comb

You know those little things that really annoy you?  Well, I’ve just had one of those.  As simple as it may sound, it isn’t when you are in China:  my hair comb broke!

Now that doesn’t sound like much.  If I was home, I would just open the drawer and pull out a second one that I would have somewhere nearby.  If I were in Hong Kong, I would just walk down to the nearest drug store, be it Watson’s or Mannings, and find one.  Of course, it would be much larger than I prefer – I almost bought a backup there a month ago but didn’t because they only have really big combs.  I wish I had bought one now.   At least I would be able to comb my hair.

No, I’m now in Dongguan, and for whatever reason, a simple fine hair comb is not readily available.  There are no Watson’s or Mannings drug stores here, like there are on every corner of Hong Kong.  Those are not close to the big box CVS or Eckerd’s in the States, but at least they have most supplies. We do have several pharmacy stores in Dongguan, but the stench of dried root or whatever spice kills germs wafts down the street to any passersby.  Inside you can get most anything without a prescription, including a lot of things I wouldn’t touch.  The in house “medicine man” will of course say it’s a Chinese medicine known to be exactly what you need.

For other toiletries you have to go to Wal-Mart or some other department store.  And they don’t have too much on combs and brushes.  Okay, big brushes are easy to find.  Maybe that is really the problem. The Chinese have hair that is generally very dark, and very thick.  They don’t have fine hair.  Why would they want a fine comb?  

My good friend, Judge Kelly, spent a couple of years in Africa in the 70’s in the Peace Corps.  I often hear from him, telling me he understands my plight in such simple things.  Like how much an English newspaper can mean to a deprived foreigner.  But I also can tell he had it a little tougher in the wilds of Africa.  I don’t think the waterfalls he saw there were on golf courses.  I’m sure he will understand how important a hair comb can be to me now.

Maybe I will find one of those large ones somewhere.  In the meantime, I’m glad my hair brush hasn’t broken.