Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nothing Worse!

Ever been under the weather in a foreign country? Without family and friends close at hand? Well, at least I’ve had good friends nearby this week.

It’s not been an easy week. I came down with a stomach virus or some other malady the other night. I’ll forego the details. To suffice to say, it incapacitated me for a couple of days. I can fortunately say that it is one of the few times that it has happened while working over here. With eating the foods I eat here, I think I’m kinda lucky it hasn’t been many more times.

When I used to travel internationally years ago, I got sick almost every trip. A body’s system gets used to certain foods and styles of cooking. It’s great to experience and try new foods in new locales, but it can take a toll on your body. I honestly think it is more about the difference alone than any particular microbe or food particle that causes sickness.

And most of us know those folks that get sick just thinking about eating unusual foods. They have it tough when they get here. Fish heads and chicken feet are a little different.