Monday, May 05, 2008

A Bryson in North Carolina

Wow! The sky is blue! I haven’t seen so much blue in a long time.

That is at least one great benefit to being back in North Carolina. Certainly, I miss a lot in Dongguan. But fresh air and blue skies make it a little easier.

I am back in High Point. It’s a fresh new start in the upholstery industry for Decca. The plane ride was long…………. As usual. At least I got an upgrade to Business Class. That made it much more fathomable. But 15 hours is a long time, no matter what. And the total time from door to door was closer to 30 hours. It takes a toll on the body.

So, for now I am a Bryson in North Carolina again. It’s good to be back.

I don’t know how much longer I will maintain abrysoninchina. There will probably be a couple of more posts, but not nearly as many. I hope you’ve enjoyed. This has been a lot of fun and at times made a lot of difference in my survival of the Far East.

My thanks to all my wonderful friends, both at home and afar.

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