Friday, May 27, 2005

English Names

Well, I learned today why so many here have an English name. I guess we can blame it on the British too.

As I’ve mentioned before, most everyone here in management comes from Hong Kong. As simple as it may be: many of their teachers were British or managed by British, since it was a British colony for such a long time. The schools, therefore, prompted the students to take on an English name for simplicity to us foreigners to better communicate with them. Most went home after their first days in school and agreed to a new name with their parents before the second day.

I do find it still rather odd that many of they can’t really pronounce many of the letters very effectively. For example, v’s get pronounced like a "w", so that Vicky comes out like “Wicky”.

Sure a lot easier for us to pronounce Cindy though, than Xiao Hua. I’m still trying to learn how to properly say her name.