Saturday, June 24, 2006

Why I'm Still in China!

Okay, some of you have questioned why I’m not returning right away to the US considering I  need a new kidney.  Let me assure you, I’m in the best place possible right now.  

Where else can I get the care and attention from fellow workers like I do here?  You just can’t believe the Decca folks.  They are great to work with.  In fact, my life right now is like having a dozen mothers hovering over me.  They really care.  Our owner’s wife and daughter are at the plant visiting or working every week, and they have taken a direct personal interest in my diet and care.  Daily they check what I eat and they insure that the food that is prepared for me follows my diet.  

You see, right now it is important that I be on a low-phosphorus diet.  That is pretty tricky.  The main thing is to reduce dairy products, wheat products, and another set of ambiguous items.  For example, mandarin oranges are okay, but oranges are not.  Frozen broccoli is okay, but fresh broccoli is not.  Anybody know where to get frozen broccoli in China?  They don’t even know that concept here.  Everything is fresh.

But my diet has been copied and translated to Chinese and given to our cooks here at the factory.  They are good at daily assuring I get the best food for my diet.  So far I’ve lost close to 30 pounds since I moved to China.  I dare say, I doubt if I would have done as good in that respect if I was still in the US.

And medical care couldn’t be better.  I’m listed on the waiting list at the University of Colorado – Denver Hospital.  The director of the kidney transplant team in Denver is from Hong Kong. What a small world.  And he connected me to a local nephrologist, who is renowned in Hong Kong.  I couldn’t be in better hands or ever find better care.

When the time is right to return I will.  If all goes well, I will just schedule and return for a couple of months to get a transplant.  Otherwise, if my conditions worsens, which again I remind all, I feel fine right now – I will return and be ready to receive a kidney from the waiting list program.  But I prefer the first option.  

In the meantime, I’m happy at my job.  I’ve got great medical care nearby.  The folks I work with, smother me with care and affection.  My career is enabling good medical insurance.  Why would I want to leave this now?  I will when the time is right.  In the meantime, stay in touch and please continue your prayers and concerns.