Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Nine Hotels in Two Weeks!

Back in Hong Kong! Let me think……. I believe this is my ninth hotel room in the last two weeks, and I was at three more places in Thailand the week before leaving. I don’t know where I am when I wake up. I definitely feel like a “road warrior” now!

And what is it about the differences in beds? Asians prefer firm or hard beds. Translated truly: they like to sleep on slabs as hard as concrete. My new apartment bed is so hard that I keep trying to find additional cover mats to soften it.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I was in three different Marriott Courtyards over the last week, and they were so soft you sink in place. Getting out of these beds is like trying to wade to the side of a water bed to throw yourself over the edge.

Of course, I don’t entirely know where I am anyway. It’s bad enough getting bearings when you wake up in a new hotel. Mix it up with the number that I’ve stayed in over the last few weeks, and I’m lost. I keep getting up and running into walls where the last bathroom entrance was located.

At least I know the Rosedale Hotel, now that I’m back in Hong Kong. It’s become my regular hotel when stopping here. Now I just got to get over the jet lag and get some sleep! It’s 3:30 in the morning, my typical wake up time over the last few weeks!