Monday, April 02, 2007

A Saturday Ride Home

Riding home on a Saturday can be rather enjoyable. First, it’s early! Who doesn’t like getting off work early in the afternoon…. Even if it is a Saturday! Second, the traffic is usually a little less congested. And third, and most important, the sun is up so you can see some of China!

Well, the other Saturday, I used the ride home to take a bunch of pictures. I have now combined all those photos into an album online: A Saturday Ride Home. You can get to the link here, or from under the Photo Links in the right column. It’s kinda of a running sequence of the route home, with a smattering of some of the things you see along the roads of Dongguan. It’s over 100 pictures for the 30 minute ride.

Be sure to pay attention to the traffic weaving in and out of lanes, vehicles and cycles going in wrong directions, and, of course, lots of “froggers.”


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