Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Holiday - Another Park = Huaying Park

It was another holiday, so why not another park. This time it was Huaying Park in Dongguan City. As many times as I have passed by, I felt it was time to visit.

The park is a lake and large surrounding area, just in front of the Sofitel Royal Lagoon. Regular readers may recognize the Lagoon, as one of my favorite haunts here. It is a wonderful hotel we call an “oasis” in China. The lake sits in the far southern corner of Huaying Lake up against a backdrop of rolling hills. To drive into the site and see the brightly lit beautiful hotel at night is inspirational. Then you walk inside to the pleasant welcome of the attentive bellmen and hosts, and you feel “at home.”

But on this occasion, I was just intent on seeing the hotel from across the lake. This trip was to see the nearby park and what it had to offer. By the way, it is probably less than a mile from my home. It’s almost embarrassing to say I’ve never been here before. But that’s how things are. And this was my chance to change that situation.

The entrance was busy on this holiday. It was Thursday, the 2nd of May. The 1st is a National Holiday – Labor Day, as observed in much of the world. So that just meant there were more people than normally here at the park. I arrived late in the afternoon, and many were already leaving.

The entrance was uninviting. Most buildings were abandoned, and in disrepair. Most had evidently opened as shops and tourists centers, but as many things go here, interests had not been good enough, and there were now no tenants.

On my very first visit to China, I had visited the Royal Lagoon and been mesmerized by a magnificent long golden dragon boat at the end of the lake. Up close now, it wasn’t as inviting. The boat is probably 150 feet long, but hasn’t been used much, and I certainly wouldn’t bet on it being unsinkable. But it is a unique fixture with its massive dragon head and gilded sides gleaming in the sun.

Walking on around the lake, I was surprised how it meandered deeper and longer than I could ever imagine. Many people were renting paddle boats and rowing through the pleasant waters of the lake. As the back paths led behind a hillside, I was surprised to find large fields and several play areas. Visitors were bicycling, dancing, playing table tennis, and badminton, and soccer. Card games were in action at most tables and at many a grassy knoll. Barbecues were lit meals being cooked for families.

A steep stairway led to another path upward to the beautiful pagoda on the hillside. Many a night, I have admired its beauty from a dinner at the hotel. Here I was close, but had to pass on the steep climb. My condition just isn’t good for climbing stairs. I did venture off to a shorter path that led through a “sculpture garden.” Almost all sculptures were women, probably historically significant ladies of Chinese history. Unfortunately, there was no English to help me understanding their contributions more fully.

As I made my way to return, there was no doubt that this is a popular destination for the residents of Dongguan – Huaying Park. And like most things in China, it was busy with many people.

More photos here, or from the link under the Photo Links in right column.

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