Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cold Rain and No Petrol

It’s getting colder here in Dongguan finally. Okay, not exactly cold, but colder. Last week I played golf in shorts (we won by the way). But today I had to bum a company shirt for a jacket. Of course, I can’t button it. At least I’m warmer.

A light rain has been falling, which probably should be deemed more of an acid rain. The smog the last few weeks has been some of the worse I’ve ever seen. After going through a nice summer with winds and aversions that kept the air fairly fresh, it has reversed to very poor conditions! You can rarely see a hundred yards at any hour of the day.

And truck drivers are having to endure the cold and the smog while waiting on diesel gas. Every station in Guangdong Province for the last week has had long lines of trucks trying to get fuel. Reports today surfaced that there is no shortage, but that dealers are limiting the amount they sell, in hopes of price increases being allowed soon. The result is that trucks are certainly stuck in long lines to get petrol.

Maybe with a little less gas being burned, the rain will now clear the air and we’ll see blue skies again some day soon.

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