Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What a Small World!

Now I’m really worried that I’m traveling too much. Here I was in Bangkok for the weekend in a hotel with friends, and up walks a coworker from Decca, and says “Hi Gene.” ………. Are you kidding me? I can’t even go to Bangkok now without running into people I know!

Here my USA friends decided to meet in Bangkok because it was close to where they had been doing business in India, and it was convenient to my business in Thailand the following week. Only my coworker didn’t even know I was going to Bangkok, nor I that he was. Who would have ever thought that we would end up at the same hotel! But of all the hotels all over this beautiful city, he happened to book the same one my friends had booked. Amazing!

And BTW Bangkok was great! We had wonderful foot massages, watched some soccer in a great pub, ate some great Thai food, and saw the Emerald Buddha and The Grand Palace. Very impressive! The friends didn’t have much time here (less than 2 days), but they made the most of it, and thoroughly enjoyed it!

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