Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Health News and a Major Traffic Jam

One might ask why I keep a blog know as abrysoninchina, when I'm back in the USA now. Well, mainly I've kept it becasue I thought I would get back there sooner. But I've also used it to provide news about China, primarily since most of my friends still in the country, don't always get much in-country news in English. And last, I've used it to provide news to my friends about my status, especially my health situation.\

On that last note, I continue to progress well. I've been graduated to only one clinic visit per week. I should be off the wound vac in another week or two, and will then be given my freedom to drive and work. I can't wait.

As for news from China, there was a lot of coverage about a traffic jam near Beijing this week. While I was in China, I began to see the increasing volume of cars and trucks. China has done well with a growing infrastructure to handle, but when there are so many new vehicles on the road daily, the new roads are still not enough.

The incrasing volume became evident with some of the news yesterday when it was announced that there was a major traffic jam near Beijing. It has already lasted 10 days, and stretched 60 miles. It is expected to last another month, since it has been caused by road construction, which is not expected to be finished for a month. This is getting a lot of coverage, and surprisingly, I have even heard about it from two friends in China. As one put it: "And you thought the traffic was bad in LA!" News about things which marks China bigger than the rest of the world, gets coverage.

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