Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A New Look!

Time for a New Look! .............. No, not me! I'm talking about this website!

I first visited China a little over a year ago. I thought near this anniversary would be a good time to revise the look of this blog. Hope you like it.

That’s the Hong Kong harbor in the picture. I took the picture myself from the Sheraton Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui during the Symphony of Lights celebration on a Saturday night last summer.

On the right column, you can still find links to photos I post; links to Previous Postings; as well as a link to Meredith’s blog of her experiences in Italy.

The clock strips give you real time here in China, and back in North Carolina - for a real sense of my “homes” being on opposite sides of this world. Those “sitemeter” and globe icons track readers by count and location from the server used to access this site.

Let me know if you have any trouble with new look and use of my A Bryson in China blog. And, as always, please let me hear from you! It’s easy from the “Email Me” link!
