Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Kidney Transplant Story

On my last trip to the US, I had an unusual reunion with a colleague of the furniture industry.  Getting out of a car in High Point, I ran into a former planner for Baker High Point, Burke Ivey.   It was good to see Burke, as I immediately chided him about how life must be tough at home, remember that his wife had given birth to triplets while having another young one in arms at home, along about the time I left Baker.

To my utter surprise, particularly with the thoughts of my predicament entrenched in my mind, he told me that his wife had recently given a kidney to one of their sons!  When he told me, he had no idea about my situation.  I had not gone public at that time.  But I was glad to know of his experience, and I used the next hour or two to garner all the information I could about what they had been through.

It was great relief and comforting to hear the medical attention that had been given to his wife and son.  It was then that I knew that I needed to go forward publicly in hopes of finding the match I needed, and to obtain more information from friends like Burke.

Please read this heartwarming article from a Jamestown newspaper about the experience of Burke and his family:

And remember to check the links:  United Network of Organ Sharing; Coalition on Donation; and Signup as a Donor.