Saturday, April 22, 2006

A Warm Welcome in Italy

I rounded the corner and heard a young shriek:  “Daddy!”  ……. Nothing warms the heart more for a father than that moment of seeing his little girl bouncing in recognition and breaking in a run to give her dad a hug!  That warm reception was for me last Friday on arrival in Pisa.  

Sure, Meredith is a little bigger now, but the memories flooded my thoughts of the same reaction on trips years ago when I returned from Europe or Japan or Saudi Arabia when she was just a toddler.  It was the same wonderful smile to warm my heart and brighten the day for a dad after a weary trip.  It’s a greeting no dad could ever tire of seeing.  

Her hair bounced in a quick flop, and she ran to my arms for an unforgettable hug!  It had been almost five months.  Yeah, we talk weekly, but it’s nothing like seeing and holding one’s little girl.  And with me worrying about her in Italy on her own, the warmth of the greeting was even more special.  I imagine she felt the same in my absence to the other side of the world.

Meredith even had a “goody” bag for me on arrival.  The bag was great for our 1-½ hour ride on the train to Florence.  She even had baguettes with cheese!  Cheese!!  Oh how I’ve missed cheese!  There was a map of Florence with my hotel and her apartment starred.  A red cap from the Winter Olympics was a feature you don’t often see.  What a great welcome!  Thanks Mere!